Fr. Varghese Kalapurakudy

A country priest comes to Kakinada, finding joy with his people in Christ's Sacred Heart.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Life-giving Rice and Sambar

Fr. Varghese and his people distributed packets of rice and sambar (vegetable stew) to hungry storm victims for nearly a week. Rains are continuing today, but home cooked food is putting smiles on the faces of those who have lost homes and belongings in this week's vicious storms.

"We just supplied food for 50 people!" rejoiced Fr. Varghese, when he returned to his mission after a mid-day run, bringing the comforting rice and sambar packets to hungry townspeople and to those staying at the local government aid shelter. He was happy, wrote the priest, 
to "make sure our people get proper food."
To those who helped provide, cook and distribute the packets, the missionary gave his thanks and prayers: "Because of you they are fed today."

People congregate at the government aid shelter
in Kakinada, where Fr. Varghese distributed
food packets today. Many people lost their huts
when storm rains swept them away.

Turning to Jesus for a Flood of Graces

Jesus in the Eucharist is the daily Source and Summit of life for any Catholic community, but especially uplifts in times of crisis. Kakinada townspeople have been struggling with fierce storms, flooding, homes and belongings being washed away, all week. Fr. Varghese has been out with his people in disaster relief efforts until deep at night. One morning, he returned near 3 AM, after supplying hungry storm victims with food. But gathering his people at Sacred Heart Mission for a special time of Eucharistic adoration and prayer offered the best kind of relief anyone can find in time of disaster -- Divine intervention. Fr. Varghese just sent these photos this morning.

See posts here and here to see flood photos from this week's monsoon disaster, that has left many people in the Kakinada area homeless and hungry. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Flooded and Hungry

In the first post about the fierce rains and floods that have been battering the Bay of Bengal coast the last few days, photos show standing water, swimming buffalo and a general, uncomfortable sogginess. This morning, Fr. Varghese wrote that he and his faithful have been taking warm packets of food out and around to the hungry.
Shops have been closed, power out, and people have run out of food, said Fr. Varghese, explaining why distributing life-giving rice and lentils is so crucial. 

Photos by Fr. Varghese Kalapurakudy