Fr. Varghese Kalapurakudy

A country priest comes to Kakinada, finding joy with his people in Christ's Sacred Heart.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Mission bike and frig

"I am so happy to write to you today," wrote Fr. Varghese, "since I am doing lot of work as a missionary just because of your help." 

Father is referring to funds that come in through his "friendly circle" in the United States, a group of friends and family who tell about his needs by word of mouth, keep the missionaries and people of Andhra Pradesh in prayer, and send whatever aid they can. 
Fr. Aruliah's new refrigerator.

One family bought Akhila the orphan her first-ever bicycle, so she can now ride to school, instead of crowding on a bike with another child. Another family sent a practical gift to Fr. P. Aruliah of remote Holy Cross Church in Hamsavaram.  

"When I went to preach Fr. Aruliah's church I felt very bad," wrote Fr. Varghese. "He is having nothing, no proper food, clothing, light, etc. So I went a resale shop and bought a refrigerator for him, so that he can keep food in it."

When villagers bring Fr. Aruliah gifts of food, he has no way to keep it fresh, explained Fr. Varghese. "He will be very happy to receive (the refrigerator)."

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