Fr. Varghese Kalapurakudy

A country priest comes to Kakinada, finding joy with his people in Christ's Sacred Heart.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Missionaries mark 10th Jubilee in Warangal

Fr. Varghese Kalapurakudy joined former seminarian classmates in marking the year leading into their 10th Jubilee as priests. Father took breakfast with four fellow priests at his little residence at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Kakinada. Then they all traveled 400 kilometers (nearly 250 miles) by bus to meet up with the rest of their class at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in the farming town of Jangaon, in the district of Warangal. 
Former classmates share a good laugh before their
10th Jubilee Mass.
"We are gathering and thanking the Almighty God," wrote Fr. Varghese, because He has "protected us and guided us."

In a region less than 3% Catholic, such gatherings are vital in encouraging both missionaries and faithful, who crowded into the colorfully decorated church at Warangal for the July 22nd Mass and celebration.
Thanking God for his vocation, Fr. Varghese, Pastor of Sacred
Heart of Jesus Mission in Kakinada.
The traditional lighting of the lamp at the
beginning of the Jubilee Mass.
Concelebrating priests cluster around the altar.

People line up to greet, thank and receive a blessing
from their priests.

Faithful kiss the hands that consecrate the Eucharistic
Christ in the Mass.

Fr. Varghese and the other priests were presented
with ceremonial shawls...

and received a memento of the day.

A Marian shrine at Sts. Peter and Paul.
The priests share precious time, together once again.

After such a big event he was "deadly tired" when he reached home, admitted Fr. Varghese, but he will always remember this day.

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