Fr. Varghese Kalapurakudy

A country priest comes to Kakinada, finding joy with his people in Christ's Sacred Heart.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Maundy Thursday at Sacred Heart

As he prepared for Maundy Thursday Mass at his Sacred Heart Mission in Kakinada, Fr. Varghese texted to a friend this touching photo of St. Pope John Paul II at a foot washing ceremony.

The mood was prayerful at the well attended Mass in Kakinada, which marks Fr. Varghese's second Triduum at his parish along the Bay of Bengal. One of the features of Sacred Heart, is its variety of faithful. Fr. Varghese serves fishermen's families along the Bay, international students from local colleges, shopkeepers, factory workers, computer operators, street children and homeless. His people are of various backgrounds and ethnic groups, so he uses Malayalam, Telegu and English to cross the language divide. On Thursday night, however, actions spoke louder than words, in both the foot washing ceremony, and the reverent celebration of the Eucharist.

On this night, Kakinada faithful joined Catholics world-wide in recalling the Last Supper of Jesus and the institution of the Eucharist -- Jesus' Gift of Love, in which He gives Himself Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, to His people.

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